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Cacaoconut Bowl

Our Signature Cacaoconut Bowl

Cacaoconut Bowl

A popular recommendation is our signature Cacaoconut Bowl. This delicious bowl is a combination of Coconut Cream, Cacao Crunch granola, Cacao Chia Pudding, Bananas, Strawberries, Toasted Coconut, Almond Slices, Almond Butter, Honey and Cinnamon. The combination of coconut and cacao brings a creamy, nutty, rich taste giving the bowl the perfect balance of flavors. Perfect to indulge at all times of the day. If you are a fan of coconut with a splash of natures berries and chocolate, try our Cocaoconut Bowl!

Choose from one of our seven highly recommended signature bowls. Each bowl provides a different experience with its own unique combination, carefully crafted and paired to perfection. Our signature creations are made to taste better and better with every bite! Find out for yourself, order now, and indulge!

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